October 5th - 6th
October 7th
October 9th
February 19th
February 21st
February 23rd
March 15th - 16th
March 18th
February 19th
February 21st
February 23rd
October 5th-6st
October 7th
October 9th
February 19th
February 21st
February 23rd
March 15th - 16th
March 18th
February 19th
February 21st
February 23rd


Table of Contents

The Organizer

The fairs are being organized under the legal representation of the EDUCATIVA Group called Organizer henceforth. The exhibiting client will therefore be called Exhibitor.

This booking will be governed by the following terms and conditions. The terms and conditions listed below are non-negotiable and exhibitors are requested to read them carefully before registering. Continuing the registration process means that the terms and conditions are duly accepted and represent a binding contract.

Terms for Exhibiting and Participation

The fair’s floor plan is set up according to the organizers’ plan and the exhibitor cannot ask for the floor plan or to have a preferred location at the fair. The fair’s plan in case of a virtual event is set according to the Organizers’ plan and the Exhibitor cannot ask for preferential conditions.

The exhibitors should set up their booth, physically or virtually depending on the case, no later than one hour before the opening time and leave no later than the closing time of the fair. The exhibitor set-up time is also marked on the fair itinerary.

In case of an event hosted online (Virtual event), the exhibitors should set-up the virtual booth in accordance with guidelines set forth by third party suppliers of the online platform for the event. A clear communication channel between the third party supplier and the Exhibitor will be set up by the Organizer.

Booth set-up, physically or virtually, is entirely the responsibility of the Exhibitor. The Organizer cannot be held accountable for the lack of materials on behalf of the Exhibitor and/or for additional booth equipment or features not booked in advance.

Only the institution’s and participant’s names on the registration form will be allowed to be displayed on the stand. The exhibitors should exhibit their services or products in their booths only, sampling outside the booth area is not allowed. Materials are not allowed to be stuck on other premises (toilets, venue walls, registration area etc.). Exhibitor’s materials should not reach more than 2.5m high. The eventual damages caused by this will get supported by the exhibitor.

Exhibitors are not allowed to rent the physical or virtual exhibition space or share it with other institutions, without the prior specific consent of the organizer.

All the audio-video equipment should be placed inside the booth and the volume should be set to a reasonable volume, in order not to disturb other exhibitors or even the visitors. In case of a virtual event, the audio-video presentations of an Exhibitor shall be set in accordance with the online platform guidelines, in order not to interfere/disturb the audio-video presentations of other Exhibitors (if applicable).

Only official representatives of the institution, which include in-house staff, academics, current student and alumni, are allowed to staff the booth. Any representative not meeting these criteria must have their participation approved by the organizers before the event in order to exhibit inside the booth. The organizer has the right to forbid the participation of any person present at the fair. There should be at least one representative in the booth during exhibition hours. Leaving the exhibition before the end of the fair may result in forbidding the exhibitor to take part in the event again.

Any refusal to respect the terms above can result in forbidding the exhibitor to take part in the exhibition.

The Organizer may post and/or otherwise make publicly available for the Exhibitors, in advance, other terms and/or conditions which must be complied with, by the Exhibitor, with respect to the exhibition. The Exhibitor is responsible for making such terms & conditions further available to their official representatives for proper acknowledgement.

Financial and Cancelation terms

The Exhibitor will rent and pay for a booth (exhibition space) according to the online registration.

The organizer must build or provide the virtual space for the booth with the exact specifications mentioned in the booking/registration process. Each booth will have, according to the package paid, built up exhibition space or virtual booth, a trash can, power outlet, one or two tables, two to five chairs and services for all the representatives (badge, lunch and coffee break), WiFi. On request, exhibitors can ask for additional furniture and representatives and this might imply certain additional costs, as such is communicated by the Organizer.

The payment of the fee will be made upon receiving the invoice in no more than 30 days or 5 days before the event date, whichever is closer to the date of the invoice. Payment in full is expected before the event start date.

The full list of leads generated by an exhibitor will be available for download only on confirmation of full payment for the entirety of the Participation fee, irrespective of the type of fee or package purchased.

The fairs are organized in locations that are communicated to the Exhibitors at least 3 months prior to the event. The organizer reserves the right to allot the layout of the event, change the fair location or reschedule the fair due to circumstances beyond its control.

In case of breaching one or more of the terms of participation or payment, the Organizer has the right to retain the paid fees and sell the goods of the Exhibitor in order to recover the liability of the Exhibitor, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.

Cancellation policy:

  1. When the cancellation is initiated by the Exhibitor with a written notice:
    • more than 80 days before the fair, the Organizer will refund the whole amount of fees paid by the Exhibitor;
    • 60-80 days before the fair, the Organizer will refund 50% of the fees paid by the Exhibitor;
    • 30-60 days before the fair, the Organizer will refund 25% of the fees paid by the Exhibitor;
    • less than 30 days before the fair, no refund will be made.
  2. When the cancellation is initiated by the Organizer with a written notice to the Exhibitor all paid fees will be refunded in full in no longer than a month from the cancellation time.

The organizer is not liable for the expenses of the Exhibitor resulted from cancelling, delaying or reducing the timeframe of the participation that resulted from situations regarded as Force Majeure, including but not limited to: acts of war or military activities, fire, earthquake, floods, storms, acts of terrorism, strikes of the employees. “Force Majeure” means any cause which arises from or is attributable to acts, events, omissions or accidents beyond the reasonable control of the parties.

GDPR and collection of visitor personal details

The Organizer enables the visitors of the events to share their personal contact details securely and efficiently with each of the Exhibitors. The system collects the personal details of all visitors at the event prior to entering the exhibition area. When a visitor wishes to show their interest in a particular Exhibitor they have the choice of providing a secure barcode that links to their personal profile to be scanned by the exhibitor or, in the case of a virtual event, interacting with the exhibitor on either chat, message or download of materials. As a result of these actions (scanning visitors’ barcodes, online interaction etc.), the Exhibitor is entitled to receive a full list of all records containing the personal, academic and demographic details of the visitors subject of the interaction. The list of records will be available for download in .csv format after each of the editions of the event.

The Organizer is responsible for informing all visitors about the data protection measures in place and about the system used to secure communication with the Exhibitors. The Organizer will inform all visitors about the data transfer of their personal details as a result of the interaction with exhibitors at the events with the purpose of being saved and processed by the Exhibitor according to their own privacy and data protection policies.

The Exhibitors are solely responsible to inform visitors as to their own privacy and data protection policies once the visitors have initiated the transfer of their personal profile details using the system provided by the Organizer. The Organizer cannot be held accountable for any data breaches occurring after this transfer has been made and/or as a result of any Exhibitors’ inability to properly inform/collect/process/store personal data.

The Organizer agrees to allow the use of audio-video materials recorded at the events for further promotion of future EDUCATIVA events. The audio-video materials include but are not limited to: photos of the booth design and brand, photos of representatives, interviews of representatives, testimonials etc.

Additional provisions

The safety measures during the exhibition will be the responsibility of the Organizer. The organizer will not, however, be accountable for any lost or stolen personal objects during the exhibition. Any declaration of theft that needs the authorities’ intervention should be made on the same day with incident.

In case of litigation, the relationship emerging from the fairs organized by the Organizer shall be bound to the jurisdiction of the Organizer and all disputes arising between the Organizer and the Exhibitor shall be interpreted in accordance with Romanian law.