Cauți un program de licență, masterat sau doctorat, în România sau în străinătate?

VIVES University of Applied Sciences

VIVES University of Applied Sciences, located in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium offers some Bachelor programs in English. The one in Hotel management (Aeronautical Engineering and Hotel Magement ) is unique. In the BBA-program, there is a possibility of a double or triple degree.

VIA University College

VIA University College offers a range of bachelor’s degree programmes in English in the fields of engineering, design, business and construction. Theory and practice go hand in hand and all programmes have a mandatory internship. At VIA you will also have access to our career service centre.

Tampere University of Applied Sciences (TAMK)

TAMK is the largest university of applied sciences in Finland outside the capital region – still only a 1.5 hour train ride away from Helsinki. TAMK offers a wide repertoire of studies in English: Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees, exchange studies and continuing education. #HumanPotentialUnlimited

LUT University

"Clean energy, water and air are life-giving resources for which we at LUT University seek new solutions with our expertise in technology, business and social sciences. We help society and businesses in their sustainable renewal. We are the world’s ninth best university for climate action."

XAMK - South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences

Courage and curiosity. The will to discover and learn, and go all in for the better future. We at Xamk – share an attitude and a mindset. We work to support you when you define a new era of professionals. Because the best way to know tomorrow is to create it yourself.

Campus France - Institut français de Roumanie

Campus France are drept misiune promovarea învățământului superior francez și a mobilității internaționale. Reprezentantii CF (la Buc, CJ, IS, TM) îi ajută pe liceeni să își aleagă formarea universitară și le oferă gratuit informații despre procedurile administrative și programele de burse.

Study in Germany

Doriți să aflați mai multe despre oportunități de studiu în Germania? Vă așteptăm să discutăm despre un sistem de învățământ axat pe excelență, costuri moderate, posibilitatea de a studia și în limba engleză într-o atmosferă internațională și diferite burse în Germania.

Griffith College

Established in 1974, Griffith College is Ireland's largest independent third-level institution with locations in Dublin, Cork and Limerick. Foundation Programmes & Bachelor and Master Degree Programmes: Business/Law/Computing/Design/Communications/Journalism/Screen Media/Music/Pharma (PG)

HZ University of Applied Sciences

At HZ, learn in a practical environment from professionals via lectures, assignments, internships, guest lectures, and company visits. Small classes, international exposure, and top 3 ranking for 12 years. Guaranteed accommodation if applied in a timely manner. Welcome to your future, welcome to HZ!

University of Twente

The University of Twente is a research university in Enschede, Netherlands. Our tagline ‘High Tech Human Touch’ reflects how more than 10,000 students and 3,000 staff members engage in developing pioneering technologies, and combining them with behavioural research, social sciences and economics.

Fontys University of Applied Science

Fontys is a university of applied sciences in the Netherlands, situated in one of the most innovative regions of Europe. It's an ideal place for those fascinated by technology, entrepreneurship, and creativity. We provide an extensive range of bachelor, master and exchange programmes in English.

EA - The Entrepreneurship Academy

EA - The Entrepreneurship Academy este prima facultate de antreprenoriat din România, cu diplomă din Olanda, unde învățarea din experiențe practice și punerea bazelor unui business real în echipă sunt printre cele mai importante atribute ale modului de învățare.

EDMUNDO - A World of Education

EDMUNDO este serviciul de consiliere educațională care, de peste 15 ani, te ajută să explorezi opțiunile academice și de carieră. Te sprijinim în întregul proces de admitere la universități atât din străinătate cât și din România, oferindu-ți informații actualizate și asistență personalizată.

EA - The Entrepreneurship Academy


BISM - Bucharest International School of Management

Bucharest International School of Management - BISM offers British undergraduate programs in Romania, in partnership with Abertay University. With a mix of international experience and local know-how, the program prepares you for a career in fields such as business, events management and marketing.

Echo School of Technology, Digital Arts and Video Games

ECHO School of Technology, Digital Arts & Video Games is growing the next generation of game creators through the first certified undergraduate program in Romania. Created in partnership with Abertay University, BISM, and Amber Studio, it offers the best theoretical and practical know-how program.

FINS | Student Loans

FINS is a European student loan institution that offers fully personalized loans to EU citizens wanting to study abroad. EU students can access up to 25.000 EUR for the whole duration of a bachelor's or master's degree, for any public or private university within Europe.

Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara

Principala instituție de învățământ superior din vestul României, Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara oferă, prin cele 11 facultăți, o gamă largă de specializări din domeniul științelor exacte, științelor economico-sociale și administrative, precum și din cel al științelor umaniste și artelor.

Tiffin University USA

Tiffin University oferă în România programe internaționale de licență și de MBA din SUA, acreditate și predate exclusiv de profesori americani. Pe scurt: curriculum și profesori 100% americani, internship-uri, burse de 3500€/an și la final de studii - diplomă americană recunoscută international.

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University Of Iasi

Universitatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi se numara printre cele mai vechi și cunoscute institutii de profil din tara, fiind custodele unei importante traditii in educatia inginereasca, stiitifica si culturala. Universitatea pregateste ingineri si arhitecti cu o inalta calificare profesionala,

British Council Romania

The British Council is the United Kingdom's international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). This message is for the use of the intended recipient(s) only and may contain confidential information. I


Oferta educațională URA se defineşte prin calitate în educaţie, performanţă, condiţii moderne de studiu, mobilități studențești (200 de parteneriate educaționale internaționale), fiind oferite programe de studii de licență și masterat, cu predare în limba română sau exclusiv în limba engleză.

Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia

Matej Bel University (UMB) offers high-quality university education in all three levels of higher education and in all forms of study in the field of pedagogical, social, economic, legal, natural, political sciences, humanities and foreign languages, IT, mathematics and international relations.

BHMS Switzerland (Business and Hotel Management School Switzerland)

Nestled in in the stunning city of Lucerne, in the heart of Switzerland, lies Business & Hotel Management School (BHMS) . The most visited city in Switzerland, Lucerne boasts a picturesque lake and mountain range that form a stunning backdrop to the city's vibrant atmosphere.

BHMS Switzerland (Business and Hotel Management School Switzerland)

Nestled in in the stunning city of Lucerne, in the heart of Switzerland, lies Business & Hotel Management School (BHMS) . The most visited city in Switzerland, Lucerne boasts a picturesque lake and mountain range that form a stunning backdrop to the city's vibrant atmosphere.